Home Swimming Pools: A Care and Maintenance Guide

Home Swimming Pools: A Care and Maintenance Guide

Adding Onto Your Home? Why Include A Home Heating Stove In Your Room Addition

Ruben Franklin

If you're adding a family room to your home, now's the time to talk to your contractor about a home heating stove. This is especially important if you want to save money on construction costs. You might think that you need to connect your home to the HVAC system, but that's not the case. You can install a home heating stove instead. If you're not sure how a home heating stove will benefit you and your family, read the list provided below. Here are four of the ways a home heating stove can make your life better. 

Prepare for Emergencies

If you're serious about emergency preparedness, it's time to add a home heating stove to your remodeling plans. One of the problems with your residential HVAC system is that you have no heat when the system goes down. This includes when the electricity goes out. That's where a heating stove comes into the picture. When you have a heating stove, you'll always have a way to heat your home. 

Save Money on Heating

If you're worried about heating costs going up once you finish your room addition, you need to install a home heating stove. Any time you add square footage to your home, your HVAC system works harder. Unfortunately, the extra work means higher energy costs. Luckily, you won't have that problem when you install a heating stove in your room addition. That's because you'll use wood to heat the room. 

Heat Smaller Spaces

If you don't like to heat empty rooms in the house, a heating stove might be your best option. Once you have your family room built, it might become the busiest room in the house. If that's the case, you won't want to run the HVAC system to heat the empty rooms. When you have a heating stove in the family room, you won't need to. Heating stoves are great for heating one room at a time. Best of all, the warmth from the heating stove will take some of the chill off the rest of the house. 

Be Eco-Friendly 

If you're trying to reduce your impact on the environment, a home heating stove is a great choice. Heating stoves use wood, which is a more eco-friendly heating fuel. Not only that, you can burn any type of wood in your heating stove. That includes wood from your own trees that you prune each winter.


2025© Home Swimming Pools: A Care and Maintenance Guide
About Me
Home Swimming Pools: A Care and Maintenance Guide

As a teenager, I joined my local swim team and soon became a champion swimmer. I have been swimming my entire life, and my love for water pushed me to purchase a home with a large in-ground pool. Strangely enough, after years of swimming I had no idea how to take care of the pool. I knew that I needed to add chemicals to get rid of potentially dangerous bacteria, and I also knew that chemicals kept algae at bay. I didn't know how to choose from hydrogen peroxide, salt, or chlorine additives. I definitely had no idea about shock, and I didn't know how many chemicals to add. After some trial and error, a very green pool, and a necessary draining, I figured it out. I have compiled for you a number of blogs and resources so you do not have to make costly mistakes like me.
