Home Swimming Pools: A Care and Maintenance Guide

Home Swimming Pools: A Care and Maintenance Guide

3 Reasons A Park Model RV Should Be Your Home Away From Home

Ruben Franklin

Park Model RVs are an ideal residential space that can be your second home. Not only do these RVs offer much of the comforts of a larger home in a small space, they also allow you the opportunity to spend time virtually anywhere.


Some people have a vacation house they frequently use or often spend money on other accommodations when they travel. If you visit the same area many times each year, it may be time to consider a more permanent residence when you travel that may be less costly than a large vacation home. Although Park Model RVs are designed to look like a small home, they pack a big punch in terms of amenities. These RVs typically have space for full-size appliances so you never feel like you're missing out when you are at your second home. This allows you to cook a full range of foods indoors and not be limited to small appliances. You can even have a washer/dryer combo to avoid finding a nearby laundromat.

Outdoor Features

Unlike many other types of RVs, a Park Model gives you the full outdoor experience. Much like a house, you can have your RV customized to include a porch or enclosed patio. With these features, you can enjoy the outside of your RV as much the inside. An enclosed patio can be ideal for entertaining guests, having a cook-out, or just relaxing and enjoying the weather. To make your enclosed patio more comfortable, you can opt for temperature-control features, such as a ceiling fan. Another feature you may want to add is outdoor lighting. With lighting pre-installed, you can make more use of your porch or patio at any time of day.


You continue to have much of the same mobility as a conventional RV, so your Park Model can handle many common destinations, whether you choose cooler or warmer climates. Additionally, popular travel destinations, such a those near campgrounds, nature preserves, or near the water remain a viable option. Since your Park Model is designed to be a compact version of a house, there are fewer concerns about space to place your new RV. This drastically cuts down on land costs and gives you more options where you want your RV to be located, even if you decide to rent a small lot.

If you are ready to give up your vacation home or traditional RV, you may find a Park Model is the right option to fit your needs. Park Models combine the features of a house with the flexibility of an RV. Visit a site like http://www.azresorthomes.com to learn more.


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About Me
Home Swimming Pools: A Care and Maintenance Guide

As a teenager, I joined my local swim team and soon became a champion swimmer. I have been swimming my entire life, and my love for water pushed me to purchase a home with a large in-ground pool. Strangely enough, after years of swimming I had no idea how to take care of the pool. I knew that I needed to add chemicals to get rid of potentially dangerous bacteria, and I also knew that chemicals kept algae at bay. I didn't know how to choose from hydrogen peroxide, salt, or chlorine additives. I definitely had no idea about shock, and I didn't know how many chemicals to add. After some trial and error, a very green pool, and a necessary draining, I figured it out. I have compiled for you a number of blogs and resources so you do not have to make costly mistakes like me.
