Home Swimming Pools: A Care and Maintenance Guide

Home Swimming Pools: A Care and Maintenance Guide

Getting Wine Stains Out Of Your Carpet: 3 Green Carpet Cleaning Kitchen Ingredients To Try

Ruben Franklin

Wine consumption in the U.S. has spiked considerably over the years with a total of 892 gallons being consumed in 2013. Spilling a bit of wine onto the carpet is not uncommon, and you don't have to rely on strong chemical detergents to get those pesky stains out. If you have a minor stain, you may not need to call a green carpet cleaning company immediately. Instead, head on over to your kitchen and grab these 3 ingredients. 

Dilute the Wine with Water

The longer that you let the wine sit on your carpet, then the higher the chance is of staining. In short, don't wait until you finish the glass before you try to get the wine stains out. Blot up the spilled wine right away with a paper towel or a rag that you have lying around to pick up and remove as much of the liquid as possible. You want to make sure that you blot the wine out using an up and down motion, and not a side to side rubbing one, as this will only cause the stain to spread. Work your way inwards.

Once you have picked up as much of the wine as possible, grab a cup of cold water and pour it onto the stained area before blotting the area dry again. You want to dilute any remaining wine that may be clinging onto the carpet. You want to continue trying this several times. Make sure that the carpet is fairly dry before you add more water onto the stained area. If the wine that you are drinking is relatively light in color, simply blotting away with water may be sufficient in removing all of the stains.

Draw Moisture Out of the Carpet with Salt

You heard me right! Salt can do wonders in getting out stubborn wine stains as well. If you cannot fully remove the wine stains from your carpet using just water, pour a generous amount of salt overtop. The salt will draw moisture out from the carpet, and you should see results within several hours.

Since the salt works by drawing moisture out from the carpet, you may want to add a bit of water onto the stained area before applying the salt for the best results possible. If you have a dark stain, you should see it begin to lighten overtime. There is no harm in allowing the salt to sit for extended periods of time, so if you were having a girl's night in, feel free to leave the salt on your carpet overnight, and deal with any remaining wine stains when you wake up in the morning. 

To remove the salt from the carpet, scoop up as much of the excess salt as possible before vacuuming it up. If you find that there is a salty residue clinging onto your carpet, simply add some water onto the area and vacuum again. 

Concoct Your Own Cleaning Solution with White Vinegar and Baking Soda

Last but not least, if you still see wine stains on the carpet, then grab white vinegar and baking soda. Make sure that you only use white vinegar, as other types of vinegar may create their own stains. Sprinkle a little bit of baking soda overtop the wine stain and let it sit for a while before pouring white vinegar overtop. This should create a bubbling reaction. You want to let this sit for several minutes before wiping the gunk off and vacuuming your carpets.


If you are dealing with tough wine stains from dark wine or from wine that has been sitting unnoticed on your carpet for some time, then you may require assistance from a professional green carpet cleaning company like Southwest Chem-Dry. If not, you'd be surprised at what some simple kitchen ingredients can do. 


2025© Home Swimming Pools: A Care and Maintenance Guide
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Home Swimming Pools: A Care and Maintenance Guide

As a teenager, I joined my local swim team and soon became a champion swimmer. I have been swimming my entire life, and my love for water pushed me to purchase a home with a large in-ground pool. Strangely enough, after years of swimming I had no idea how to take care of the pool. I knew that I needed to add chemicals to get rid of potentially dangerous bacteria, and I also knew that chemicals kept algae at bay. I didn't know how to choose from hydrogen peroxide, salt, or chlorine additives. I definitely had no idea about shock, and I didn't know how many chemicals to add. After some trial and error, a very green pool, and a necessary draining, I figured it out. I have compiled for you a number of blogs and resources so you do not have to make costly mistakes like me.
